Fireheart Coffee – Creating a Distinctive Premium Roast Coffee Brand


Three founders of Fireheart Coffee were faced with the challenge of establishing a premium roast coffee brand that stood out in a crowded market. Each founder had different visions for the brand, necessitating a unified and compelling brand positioning.


Creating Possibilities were invited to:

Strategy and Execution

Evaluating Consumer Need States

Methodology: A study involving 500 consumers was conducted. Each participant was presented with roast coffee propositions aimed at specific consumer personas, with variable pricing.

Outcome: This approach not only revealed the most motivating need states but also assessed their revenue potential, aligning the founders behind one, single value driven positioning

Brand Essence: Emotional and Functional Attributes

Functional Elements: A series of consumer tests were executed to determine motivating factors about coffee, like seasonality, small batches, and hand roasting. This involved 37 variations of roast coffee statements over five iterative sprints.

Emotional Elements: Utilizing our proprietary Sensiment tool, we identified the top five emotional drivers in the Roast Coffee category: Genuine, Luxurious, Comforting, Stylish, and Modern. These were validated with 500 consumers.

Brand Name and Essence

Creation and Testing: A range of brand names was created and tested for product truth, emotional benefits, and evoking of product usage. Intellectual Property considerations were also addressed.

Brand Essence Wheel: The final creative brief included the discerning positioning, functional benefits (quality, freshness), and emotional benefits. Symbols like ‘ground to order’, ‘small batches’, and ‘hand roasted’ were incorporated.

Creative Development and Consumer Testing

Brand Identity and Packaging: Validated with consumers multiple creative routes for brand identity and packaging to ensure differentiation and appeal.

Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Channel Testing: Strategies for customer acquisition via DTC channels were tested, including keyword analysis and paid advertising. Consumer behaviour on a mock website was analysed to refine the purchasing process.


Launch and Success: The brand positioning and identity culminated in the launch of Fireheart, now a successful brand in DTC, gourmet coffee stores, and prestigious retail outlets like Selfridges.

Founder Testimonial: “Creating Possibilities was instrumental in our brand’s launch. Their expertise in consumer insights and brand expression was vital in creating an authentic Fireheart Coffee experience. Their efficiency and pace made the process enjoyable and effective.”


Creating Possibilities helped Fireheart Coffee navigate the complexities of brand creation. Through thorough consumer research and innovative methodologies, we established a brand that resonates with consumers on both functional and emotional levels, making Fireheart Coffee a distinctive and successful player in the premium roast coffee market.

Work Examples

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